There’s so much I’d like to say…

Thank you Yahuweh…

I woke up last night to go to the bathroom, and standing slowly upon my feet because of my aching knees, I began thanking Abba for being able to stand up.

The Hebrew meaning for thanksgiving (giving thanks), simply means to throw down and/or cast out the hand – extending the hand as in worship. This gives me such peace as our thanksgiving to Him is casting out with our hand all the things the enemy brings to us to complain about while extending the hand to worship our Creator who has given us the very life within Himself when He breathed it into us.

It is good to give thanks unto Yahuweh for I cast off the spirit of complaining, grumbling, griping and misery – all of which will NOT allow me to enter the Land He has promised.

Thus today, and everyday, every moment I am aware and/or unaware of Your presence:


Thank You for my legs that are strong
Thank You for my knees that allow me to sit and to walk
Thank You for my feet to stand upon
Thank You for my toes to allow me to balance
Thank You for my eyes to see your beauty
Thank You for my ears to hear the birds
Thank You for my sense of touch to experience Your creation around me
Thank You for my taste to enjoy the good things that come from Your hand
Thank You for my sense of smell that allows me to know how sweet the flowers are
Thank You for my nose that allows me to breathe fresh air
Thank You for my mouth that I can open and communicate with others – shouting Your praises and whispering worship and adoration to You
Thank You for my hands I am using right now to type my thank you’s to You, Abba
Thank You for my arms that allow me to hug on people that brings them security, knowing how much they are loved and cared for – my arms are an extension of Your favor
Thank You for my wife who has been to me at times Your very breath
Thank You for my family, of which without I could not experience the joy of belonging – the beauty of acceptance
Thank You for my heart, Abba, which often times breaks for the things Your heart breaks for and rejoices in the things You rejoice in

Thank You for sending Your Son to me to bridge the gap between my worthlessness and Your worthiness, my filthiness and Your cleanliness, my hate and Your love, my despair and Your hope, my darkness and Your light, my sadness and Your gladness, my grief and Your joy, my defilement and Your set-apartness, my emptiness and Your filling up, my sin and Your forgiveness — for I was lost but now I am found!

I lost my way Daddy and You sent Your Son to find me, rescue me and take me Home.

Thank You Daddy, thank You my King, my forever Friend, my Creator, my Redeemer, my precious Beloved, my all in all.

Because of You I can say thank you..

It’s the spirit of thanksgiving that breaks the chains of darkness, misery, sadness, grief, loneliness, despair and hopelessness.

There’s so much I’d like to say…but I cannot find the words to say thank you..

There is no vocabulary that would fill my heart with the abundance of gratitude I have..

So with that…

I cast off and throw down my life, my will, my all and extend my hands toward You – reaching far to grasp the life You intended me to have from the foundation of the world.

This is my thanksgiving… this is my worship!

Eternally grateful,

Your thankful child

“Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him; bless His Name.”
Psalm 100:4


  1. Amen! You are so worthy of all our praise and thanks, my dearest Abba, my bestest Daddy! Sweetest Friend, constant Companion, Wonderful one. And though the winter skies here have been so overcast and gloomy, as I shout [and whisper] my love to You, my room is flooded with sunlight. Clouds are pierced with the unexpected outing of morning Sun. Thank You all over again!

    • Your reply was so timely, for the cloudy gloominess here is much. However, as I read your comment (Clouds are pierced with the unexpected outing of morning Sun), the clouds blew away and the sun came out. Praise His Set-Apart Name!

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