Let Me Stay Here With You

Yochanan (John) the beloved sat so close to Messiah at the dinner table that evening that he was able to rest his head upon His chest. He wanted to hear what was on His Master’s heart. It was revealed to John that Judas would be the one who would betray his Master. Birthed from an intimate moment with Yahushua, this…

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The Jew-Gentile Fallacy

Shabbat Shalom, I wanted to share some correspondence I had a while back through a letter concerning some confusion about ‘Gentiles’. Please use this as your own springboard to study. It is the enemy who causes confusion, strife and division. I do not claim to know all, but I realize that if I remain soft, pliable, teachable under the tutoring of…

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The Ancient Ways—Rivers of Living Water

“Pour out thy heart unto Me. From the deepest recesses of thy being, let thy love flow forth unto Me; let thy lips utter My Name. Let thy praise rise in the daytime and in the night. Yea, when thou art utterly spent, then shall My speech fall upon thee. Then shalt thou lie down in peace and rise up…

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Who cares about the prophets…right? I mean, what a strange bunch of people who were called to be the mouthpiece of a “God” who laid waste to entire villages, towns, cities, lands, nations, men, women, children, animals, and vegetation. Who were the ones of old who spoke the doom of an “angry God”, and suffered great persecution by those who…

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Yom Kippur – Not Just a Fast

Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), the day of finalities, the summation of the 40 days of repentance, the completion of the 10 Days of Awe. What does it all mean? To the Orthodox Jews, it means fasting and repentance, spending the day in prayer and the synagogue, hoping their names are sealed in the Book of Life, and wishing others…

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A Day of Remembering

Today marks two very important events. It is a day of celebrating and a day of sorrow. This morning as I sat and drank my coffee in the early morning hours before the sun rose, I remembered my Grandparents anniversary (March 12, 1938). 76 Years ago today, my Grandparents tied the knot and I’m sure they are celebrating it today.…

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A Fiery Sacrifice

“In a Tibetan village I noticed a crowd of people standing under a burning tree and looking up into the branches. I came near and discovered in the branches a bird which was anxiously flying round a nest full of young ones. The mother bird wanted to save her little ones, but she could not. When the fire reached the…

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