Not Until the Last One Comes In

A good brother and friend of ours recently asked, “why do you think Messiah said He only came for the lost sheep of the house of Israel?” Messiah came to seek and to save the lost. Just as the shepherd leaves the 99 to go after the one lost sheep, so Messiah came to restore His family into one sheep…

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Shabbat Thought #4

Shabbat Shalom, This week’s Shabbat Thought is based upon Mark 4:41, Philippians 3:8-11 and John 17:3 Our level of belief is our level of knowing Him Righteousness to stand before Father Elohim does not come through mere obedience to His laws but through our belief in Messiah who showed us why the laws His Father gave to us are good…

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Be the Beacon in the Night

Be the beacon in a world of avalanching darkness. Truth is not hate! Speak it! Live it! We are hated for bearing the truth. Firm up your foundation! Good is broadcasted as evil and evil is exalted as good. The only witness worth having is one worth dying for. Listen, to this brief message of reality and encouragement. Shalom –…

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Let Me Stay Here With You

Yochanan (John) the beloved sat so close to Messiah at the dinner table that evening that he was able to rest his head upon His chest. He wanted to hear what was on His Master’s heart. It was revealed to John that Judas would be the one who would betray his Master. Birthed from an intimate moment with Yahushua, this…

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Finding Rest in Knowing You are Loved

This podcast addresses the increase in knowledge per Daniel 12:4. Without a love for the truth of Elohim’s (God’s) Word, having the knowledge of good and evil without His Spirit to show us the difference between the two, will lead us to abandon our relational love for others, God and even ourselves. The quality of the relationships in our lives…

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The Freedom of Finding Your True Identity

Over the past year, I found myself on a journey that I never expected. Hidden things brought to the light because of the goodness of a Father who sees the end from the beginning. Walking in the freedom of living in the light is a daily process—a daily decision. The hardest part of being free is not in that critical…

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Bearing the Pain of Bearing Fruit

“You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in My Name He might give you.” John 15:16 Shalom, It has been quite some time since I have written a blog, or have even written at all.…

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Building The House On Love

Listen as Derek expounds on the “love chapter” of 1 Corinthians 13. Love is not a gushy feeling, with as many up’s and down’s as a wild rollercoaster. No! Love is the power of sustainment and all that will remain when everything else around us collapses. It is the identifying mark of our loyalty as a disciple of the Master,…

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Lazarus, “COME FORTH”

John 11 contains probably one of the most powerful stories in all of Scripture – The raising of Lazarus. I remember my mom telling me the time she had gone to see the movie, The Greatest Story Ever Told. She said when it came time for the intermission, no one in the theater got up or even moved. You see,…

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A Fiery Sacrifice

“In a Tibetan village I noticed a crowd of people standing under a burning tree and looking up into the branches. I came near and discovered in the branches a bird which was anxiously flying round a nest full of young ones. The mother bird wanted to save her little ones, but she could not. When the fire reached the…

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