The Key is the Heart

This study investigates various issues many believers do not wish to discuss because they are either too shameful to mention or perhaps the issues are completely unknown to them. Some of the questions discussed are:

  • Why do I still struggle with sin?
  • Why do I still feel guilty though I have been forgiven of my sins?
  • Can I lose my salvation?
  • Will I continually be forgiven if I cannot cease from sinning?
  • Am I really “saved?”
  • If salvation is free, what else is left for me to do?
  • I don’t “feel” His presence any more…am I lost?
  • Do I need to be filled with the Spirit?

The key to understanding these questions rests in knowing the intentions by which they are being asked? And to know the intentions one must begin with the heart – for therein lies the “key


Derek and Rivkah


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