Preparing for the Day the Fire Fell

Dearest Friends, In preparation, as we approach the day the fire fell upon His chosen ones in that little room in Jerusalem, I wanted to share these two very special prophetic, HOLY songs with you. Please, please, when you listen—find a place of quiet to focus on the one who made Pentecost possible. Without the Lamb of Elohim God who…

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Shalom all! WORSHIP! It is the sword that cuts down the lies of the enemy. It is the vehicle that takes us into the presence of the King. We wanted to share with each of you some special music that we’ve just discovered—Jonathan David Helser and his wife Melissa. We have been a long time listener to psalmist Kent Henry,…

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The Call To Unleavened Worship

Shabbat Shalom! As we prepare to enter the Passover week, we wanted to share (or should we say re-share) an article previously written about worship. Not only worship, but ‘unleavened’ worship. What is unleavened worship? It is the simple, pure worship that results from being de-contaminated of the leaven in our lives through allowing His oil, His wick, His flame to…

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There’s so much I’d like to say…

Thank you Yahuweh… I woke up last night to go to the bathroom, and standing slowly upon my feet because of my aching knees, I began thanking Abba for being able to stand up. The Hebrew meaning for thanksgiving (giving thanks), simply means to throw down and/or cast out the hand – extending the hand as in worship. This gives…

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The Call To Unleavened Worship

In preparation for the Passover season, I wanted to re-release this study article – ‘The Call to Unleavened Worship’. Worshipping Yah must be done in a fashion that is void of anything within us that causes ‘self’ to ‘rise’ and be puffed up. He is after unleavened lifestyles. Removing the ‘rising factor’ from our lives, through recognition that He is…

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The Living Water

Have you ever heard the saying, “You only really need 2% of what you own?” This statement is so true! We fill our lives with things we really don’t need. The other day, this saying came to my mind and I immediately received in my spirit this statement… Just like we only really need 2% ofthe stuff we own, when we…

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