A Garden of Fountains

Shabbat Shalom!

I recently read something someone wrote who was very sad. I am close to this person and felt their hurt through their writings.

To this person I write this blog today…

Dear friend,

Though you have no answers and feel like everything is out of control – He is your answer and He is in control. The best place to be in this world is totally helpless and void of anything your own two hands can muster up to help yourself. In referring to our precious Master and Savior, Sha’ul (Paul) said it best in II Corinthians 12 – My power is made perfect in your weakness; to which Sha’ul responded – for when I am weak, then I am strong.

It isn’t what we do that matters to Him, but what we don’t do that counts the most. I don’t have all the answers either, but to cope with things I do not understand; I let go of them. Letting go doesn’t mean you give up, but only means you give up on yourself to do it all, to have all the answers and to deal with not getting them when they don’t come.

After I read what you wrote, the book that has been sitting on my bookshelf for nearly 2 years, came immediately to my mind. I do not know why, but believe it was brought to my mind by Abba. I went and pulled the book off the shelf and opened it. I opened right to what I typed out from the book below – A Garden of Fountains.

This message is what I believe He wants you to hear right now. I love you dear friend, and remember: When you are weak and feel you should be strong – Let go of your ‘strength‘ and grab ahold of His. As real as your weakness is to you, so real is His strength for you!


A Garden of Fountains

Behold, My hand is upon thee to bless thee and to accomplish all My good purpose. For this hour I have prepared thy heart; and in My kindness I will not let thee fail.

Only relinquish all things into My hands; for I can work freely only as ye release Me by complete committal – both of thyself and others. Even as was written of old: ‘ Commit thy way unto Yahuweh; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass’. (Psalm 37:5) I will be thy sustaining strength; and My peace shall garrison thy mind. Only Trust Me – that all I do is done in love.

For adversities must of necessity come. They are part of the pattern of life’s pilgrimage for every individual; and who can escape them? But I say unto thee, that for those who walk in Me, and for those who are encircled by the intercessory prayers of My children, I shall make of the suffering, yea, I shall make of the trials a steppingstone to future blessing. (II Corinthians 4:17,18, Living Letters)

My arms are around thee, and never have I loved thee more!  I will make thee like A GARDEN OF FOUNTAINS whose streams are fed by the mountain springs.

 And Yahuweh shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not. (Isaiah 58:11)

(Come Away My Beloved by Frances J. Roberts)


  1. How kind and loving of you to reach out to your friend, as well as strangers, with your post. I have struggled with depression most of my life. A few months ago was a very low point. Yedidah gave me the precious advice to praise Him and sing Psalms. I have also tried to be more thankful. It is working. Not to digress from your post, but the recent articles on joy in CETM touched my soul, and have been a tremendous help.

    Blessings to you,
    Shabbat Shalom,

    • You are not digressing, praise Him that we can all be in unity in Him – helping each other. That’s the kind of family he desires! Much Shalom

  2. …tears… love… more tears… simply beautiful…

  3. Thank you for all your words of encouragement from Abba’s Word! This was a very timely message for me personally. II Corinthians 12 word study proved out to be the answer I was seeking. I have been praying for clarity about weakness. And this is a reminder for me. The only thing I need is Him…nothing else. Praise Yah!

    • Praise Yah! Oh, to return to the simplicity of childlikeness… Only then we realize we are nothing without Him. Amazing that the world strives to be so strong when all along He has called us to be weak!

  4. Thank you for this timely message. I have been unable to sleep, so I read Yedidah’s article about signs in the heavens, as well as some other blogs related to the events occurring in the Heavenlies. I wake frequently now, unable to sleep, my mind spinning with thoughts of things to come. I always turn to Abba, but tonight I could not find peace.

    Abba has spoken to me through Come Away My Beloved for 24 years. I don’t read it every day, but it sits on my shelf, and Abba’s Spirit lets me know when I need to read a passage. This morning as I was packing for a trip I look at the book, set it aside, and packed my Bible and my journal. Then here this evening I sit, unable to find peace, I sign up for your website ( based on Yedidah’s recommendation from her recent email), and there you have a message for me from my favorite devotion.

    Abba is so good. Yes when we are weak, He is strong. So I will glory in my weakness, because only then can He work through me. My fear cancels out my faith, so I cannot, I will not, operate in a spirit of fear, nor in a spirit of defeat. I will praise Him with my whole being. He is the reason I live.
    I will praise Him with my whole heart, with every fiber of my being I will praise the name of Yahuweh!

  5. i loved this… i love your heart

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