The Ancient Ways – Signposts Along the Journey


Recently, we sent out a blog announcing our new daily email, “The Daily Path – Signposts Along the Journey”. For those of you who took the time to sign up for this ‘additional’ daily devotional….thank you!

However, due to a few concerns with the outside email marketing service, we have decided against sending out the email separately from our blog. In addition, we feel that sending out a daily ‘word of encouragement’, may be get too watered down over time and not have the impact we would hope.

With that said, rather than daily, we have chosen to go with a weekly word of encouragement to come out the beginning of each week. Those of you who are signed up for this blog should start receiving a new word of encouragement each week beginning on March 1, 2015.

Once again, we thank each of you for previously signing up for this ‘extra’ blog. However, we believe in quality and not quantity. There are plenty of daily email services out there and the staff to support them, but in our case….we would rather post fewer blogs and have them be authored by the Spirit of Father rather than post just for the sake of posting.

We do thank each of you for following our blog and we look forward to diving into what Abba has to say to us through the ‘Come Away My Beloved‘ by Frances Roberts devotional.

In addition, we have decided to change the name of the weekly blog to The Ancient Ways as this more accurately reflects our heart and the heart of Abba. He is calling us back to His Ancient Ways and we pray that as Rivkah and I continue along this path, that our writings will be the ‘signposts along the journey’ – pointing everyone who reads them back to the Ancient Way that leads Home again.


Derek and Rivkah

“Set up signposts, make landmarks; set your heart toward the highway, the way in which you went. Turn back, O maiden of Israel, turn back to these cities of yours!”

Jeremiah 31:21

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