Shavuot – Find Your Place Inside

Today is Shavuot – the day we celebrate, according to Leviticus 23, the giving of the Torah and the giving of the Spirit of Yahuweh by Messiah Yahushua.

We have been in transitional mode now for awhile, and know that our blogs have been few and far between. However, I wanted to share with you a quick word of thanksgiving and remembrance of this special day.

Today we remember that without the giving of the Torah (His Word, His instructions for right living in the Kingdom) on Mount Sinai to His people, Father would never have a family in the future. Without the Torah, the Word (Messiah Yahushua Himself), not only would we be lost in our sins, but creation would have never taken place. The earth would still be empty and void. Without the Torah in our lives, we are empty and void – full of chaos – His Spirit brooding (hovering) over His creation saddened and grieved.

The giving of the Torah set up boundaries for His people to live within. Without these boundaries, there would be no separation between what is harmful to us and what would bring us life. But, it isn’t the boundaries His people sometimes have problems with, but the living within those boundaries. This is why Messiah came. He came to give us His Father’s Spirit in order for us to have the power to remain INSIDE the boundaries of life. He has given us power over sin and without His Spirit, we are wanderers – ever challenging the limits of His established love.

Father Yahuweh presented His Son (the Torah) to His people at the base of Sinai, who would become His wife IF they would only obey Him. He used Moshe (Moses) as a conduit to deliver His people in order to present the Deliver Himself as Bridegroom and document the vows she would take and adhere to – written down on tablets of stone. It was later, that the Bridegroom Himself, would tell a remnant of the entire House of Ya’acob (Jacob), as He ascended into heaven, to wait there in Jerusalem until He would send His Father’s Spirit as a pledge to His Bride that He would come back again and redeem His purchased possession. His Father’s Spirit would then write those vows, not on tablets of stone, but upon the hearts of His chosen Bride.

It is through this precious promise of His Spirit that we are able to live and obey – keeping the vows we spoke some 3500 years ago. Messiah the Bridegroom is returning for those who know how to live inside the sheep pen, hearing His voice daily with absolute obedience to Him alone. The Father has given the Bride instructions (Torah) on how to build an ark and she must learn what it means to follow those instructions, for in the days ahead, she will hear Him say, “enter now” and He will close the door. He said He would never flood the earth again with water, but a new kind of flood is quickly coming upon us – the flood of wickedness. He designed the ark to float and if the flood of wickedness is not unleashed on the earth, the ark will not float.

This was the word I awoke with this morning. How will He know if the Bride has made herself ready unless He tests what she has made herself secure in? The flood of wickedness is the test and it is up to the Bride to ensure she is sealed up, not allowing one pin hole of a leak — for if she does, the pin hole will grow larger and larger, eventually causing such a massive hole that the ark will sink into the waters of wickedness. However, Messiah will have His Bride one way or the other.

What are you doing today to ensure there are no leaks on your section of the ark? His Bride must work together to ensure there are no breaches within her, preparing for the worst and expecting for the best. Examine your hearts today. Do you have ought in your heart against another? Do you have unforgiveness? These are the things that will cause the ark to sink quicker than anything else.

So, today – be encouraged on this day of Shavuot, the giving of His Torah – the giving of His Spirit. Know where His boundaries lie and how to live within them. There is a day coming soon when the preparation will end and the ark door closes.

Will you be inside?

Chag Sameach!

Derek and Rivkah

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