News and Updates

Shabbat Shalom!

Blessings to each of you!

We wanted to take an opportunity to announce to you a new page added to our website – Why Israel? Please find the link below.

Here, we have added (and will continue to add) videos (in playlist format), about the who, what, when, where and why of the Apple of Elohim’s Eye – Israel. We have hand selected many videos regarding the past, present and future existence of Israel and why it is so important that we stand with her NOW! I will be working on putting together a video in the next few weeks regarding the decision to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. The internet is flooded with “everyone’s opinion”, so I am not interested in putting ‘just another opinion’ out there. However, we do have our two cents to add (smile).

Also, we decided to remove the page of Young Living Essential Oils as we have finally found an essential oil company that is actually founded upon Biblical standards (and they are local to us). Rivkah and I will share that soon as well and provide information on how you can purchase from them.

We pray everyone enjoyed the Festival of Lights and celebrated our deliverance from the darkness SO THAT we may become wholly devoted to the Mastership of Messiah.

I have just updated the calendar with the new month of Tevet beginning on the 20th of December (sunset).

Be in prayer for us as we are looking to transition again and as Derek travels with his company.

Lots of changes on the horizon for us, so we will do our best to keep our website active so that you remain engaged with us.

Thank you all for your love and kindness!

Shalom and blessings,


Derek and Rivkah

Click <HERE> to Visit Why Israel?

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