Growls in the Night – Warning and Encouragement

Last night, while taking Freedom our dog out for his last bathroom run for the night, both Rivkah and I were standing there as Freedom walked along the grassy area next to a fenced off pasture. The air was still and the faint hum of the freeway was off in the distance. Then, all of a sudden, I heard what sounded like rumbling in the distance (it was not thunder) and then what proceeded afterwards was the sound of an animal growling. It seemed to be surrounding us from all sides, sensing what I was hearing as something very evil.

I turned around and asked Rivkah if she heard it and she said yes. The rumbling ceased, but the growling continued two more times in spaced increments of about 2 to 3 minutes.

Though we had thought it may be coyotes in the pasture, there were no glowing eyes anywhere, as the growling seem so close that if it were coyotes, they would of been in plain sight. I looked this up on the internet… sure enough.. there have been reports in the past several years of hearing such things – including the feeling of the sounds engulfing and surrounding you.

I’ve never heard such a sound of rumbling/growling in my life.. It sounded as though we were hearing it from the other realm/dimension.. I have no doubt what it was though. We know all too well what time we are in, the time of the coming of Master Messiah Yahushua, and the veil of separation between the two dimensions is thinning.

Both Rivkah and I felt no fear, because though there are tens of thousands surrounding us on every side, we will not be afraid – for He lifts our heads high above our enemies round about (Psalm 3). We believe that the gift of His Spirit Who dwells within our reborn spirits, has sealed us as a pledge, that one day soon, our redemption will be made complete through the resurrection and coming of Messiah Yahushua – for those whom He owns and has chosen for Himself.

Revelation 9:4 speaks of the unleashing of the evil ones, the ancient spirits, and destroyers from the pit and only those who have the seal of Elohim will be protected from harm. In Ezekiel 9:4, we see that only those who sigh and cry over all of the abominations which are being done in Jerusalem, will be marked and sealed from being slaughtered by the evil coming from the north.

I share with you these Scriptures not to cause fear, but awareness that the evil is standing at the threshold, waiting to lay waste anyone who has not been sealed by Father’s Spirit. The sealing process is not automatic, but must be maintained through a passion for blamelessness.

We share this story with each of you as a warning, yet also, as an encouragement. Ezekiel 9:10 says that Yahuweh’s eye will not pardon, but shall recompense their deeds on their own head.

We will never get away with anything.. there will always be a reward and recompense for our actions. In Ezekiel 9, the crookedness of the House of Israel and Judah was great. They defiled the House of Yahuweh, filled the land with bloodshed, and filled the city with that which is warped. Why? Because they believed that Yahuweh had forsaken the Land and that He no longer is seeing.

For those who believe that Yahuweh is not seeing and has forsaken the Land of Israel and His chosen city Jerusalem, you have a soon coming awakening. Do not think to take matters into your own hand as King Saul did when he failed to wait for the man of Elohim. Do not believe for one moment, that He has forgotten the covenant and promises made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

The perceived delay and absence of the coming Messiah and his judgment on the wicked is not an invitation to take matters into our own hands, proceeding on our own of how we think the Creator wishes to be worshipped. That was the sin of the golden calf. The enemy’s armies are surrounding the camps of the set-apart ones, and we cannot proceed to take one action outside the instructions and Word of Yahuweh. If we proceed, based upon what we think is the right thing to do, just as the kingdom was torn away from King Saul, so shall the sealing of Elohim upon the forehead…be torn away.

Listen, hear and obey Him. The demonic realm is at the threshold waiting to tear us apart. Get rid of anything that separates yourself from Abba. You know what it is. Messiah never said this walk along the narrow road would be one of cake icing and ease. If the enemy knows the time is near for His end – We as believers in Messiah must know that the time is near for our beginning.

Rejoice brother and sister! Though the darkness that is approaching will soon consume the earth, hold onto the One who alone has the power to save you. For our rejoicing comes because we have the promise of eternal life, yet be aware that only those who endure to the end will be saved. That’s a fact! That’s Scriptural! Believe it!

“But You, O יהוה, are a shield for me, My esteem, and the One lifting up my head.”

Psalm 3:3

One Comment:

  1. Shalom shalom!! I haven’t heard any growls but the rumbling I surely have……even the other night when we were having strong storms with tornado……there was a rumbling that just continued on and on and on and it was not the rumbling of the thunder as my friend said it was. I agree with you that the veil or line between both realms is soon fading and the evil forces are becoming more increasingly fierce. This not a time to be complacent in our walk but to make sure we are preparing ourselves to be able to stand blameless before our soon returning King!! Ahmein and HalleluYAH!! May Yahuwah baruk you both abundantly.

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