Do You Really Trust Me?

Do you really trust Me?
Do you really want My will and not your own will in your life?

One of the things I have been working on is learning to trust my Father in Heaven and Yahushua above all circumstances, above all people, above myself and what control I think I have over my life…which by the way is NONE! ZERO! When Derek’s dad passed away in April, it hit me hard too because my own dad was not there for me for over half my life and Derek’s dad was there for me/us. Without going into a lot of details, the week or so after his passing, I got a confirmation that I could not return working at the school I’ve been teaching at this past year (this was the first answered prayer as we had been praying if I should continue working there or not).

So, within a month, we (Derek and I) were faced with many questions: where does Yahuweh want us to live (here or abroad) and where do you want me to work (or what type of work…continue teaching, something more directly for Him and/or something Derek and I can do together). Suddenly, we were in transition mode again and at a mega speed! In addition to all that transition, we were asked to go to Israel and share the Land with my mom for her very first trip. This was an answered prayer since we wanted to go to Israel in June but was praying about whether we should go or not. We asked for a clear confirmation and we got it!

Within one month, we knew where we were supposed to live temporarily and that we were leaving for Israel on my last day of teaching school. Leading up to that last day, I went on 5 interviews (I did not have complete peace about any of them and one was offered but I turned it down), we moved and we packed for Israel. We had prayed that His will be done on the job situation but inside, I thought I would know by the time we left and that I would be back at my original school district before we left Texas in 2012. When we departed to Israel, we left all of the transition behind and focused on the trip. One of the first places we went when we arrived was to the City of David. During the video they show, there is a part where Isaiah is prophesying that the Assyrian’s arrows won’t enter the city (stop and read Isaiah 37:33-37). I heard, “If I can do that for Israel, I can find you a job.” When we went to the Western Wall, I gave it all to Him…all my effort, all my stress, all my doubts, EVERYTHING! I did not think about jobs the whole time I was gone. I was more joyful and free than ever before. I knew my Father was going to take care of everything!

While in Israel, we had many mo’edim (Divine appointments) and special moments with Abba and Yahushua. We will share these soon.

The whole 14 days we were in Israel, my phone never rang except for one wrong number. The day we were flying back, while we were in the air, I received one phone call asking for an interview. I called the principal the next day since we did not make it home until after 11 pm. He set up my interview for the following day. When I arrived at the interview, he asked me about my trip and we fellowshipped about Israel for about 10 minutes. He then asked me the questions they always ask and recorded my answers. Suddenly, he said, “Do you have time to walk with me.” I said, “Sure!” He took me on a tour of the school and showed me the classroom where the new teacher would be. After the tour, he shook my hand and I was about to leave when he said, “Step back into my office for a minute.” In his office, he told me he wanted to offer me the job but he can’t until he checks my references. I told him I understood, we shook hands and I left. About three or four hours later, while Derek and I were celebrating our anniversary, he called and offered me the job! So, within 48 hours of arriving back from Israel, I had a job!

The job wasn’t where I was expecting at all…but I knew from the moment I entered the school because He gave me a peace that passes all understanding. He is so faithful! This job was the easiest job I have ever gotten. No striving, no worry, no stress and no unrest in my spirit. He fulfilled all my requests and more— 1 prep, Algebra I, and close to where we are living!

I/We have been praying much asking Him to help me trust Him more, to hear His voice more, and giving up all to Him (every time I think I have, He shows me more areas I need to let go of). This season in our lives, since last April 2015, has been one of the hardest. We know He is preparing us and many others for what is coming…including being prepared for His coming/return. He showed us clearly that He is listening to our prayers and supplications and that He is always faithful and just to answer and give us more and better than we could ever imagine, IN HIS TIMING, if we just trust Him! This means we have to say NO when He tells us No and say Yes when He tells us Yes, even if it isn’t what we wanted or what we thought was going to happen.

I am a planner and I like to know where I am going and what I am going to be doing. Father has shown me that I have to be more spontaneous to be used of Him. I have to let go of even my need to plan and accept what He has for me. Since I have done this, He has opened my spirit to more peace and more internal and eternal joy than I have ever experienced. I pray that as others read this testimony, they too will give all things to Him and will receive more peace and joy than ever before!

Shalom, joy and blessings!



  1. Thank you, Rivkah. Your message was perfect timing

    • You are most welcome. Yahuweh’s timing is always perfect and we give Him all the praise!

  2. Thanks for sharing this Rivkah. Very recently, the simplicity of letting go and just trusting Father has been on my heart as well. “Just trust Me” is what I hear. So simple, yet if holding on to the flesh so very hard. Blessings and shalom to you and Derek.


    • Blessings to you too! Sometimes one of the hardest things is to maintain our childlike simplicity. We are praying for you both in this area as well.

  3. Wow, great post! I am one that prays for you two along with Yedidah. We too have been called to “the highway” for years and depend for all council & plans simply by Him. You now know once you experience the liberty of this walk you can not turn back. However, when you are a planner as I too am Yah surely has a work to do in us. He loves us & gave us this gift ~ He is just sharpening our ability as a Skilled Worker with the Gift. As I cry out for my husband and I do for the three of you. His plan is so marvelous & mysterious at times. But even so we shall trust in Yahuwah, even so! We appreciate you both! Barbara

    • Yes, we can never turn back but only press in and press forward into Him. Thank you for your comment and your prayers for us!! We also will be praying for you both.

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