The Responsibility of Royalty

In a world of mixture, people blurred to the difference between light and darkness, truth and deception, there is a remnant arising who have found the clarity of living as set-apart royalty unto the King, the Master Yahushua. Our battle cry is that we should proclaim the praises of Him Who is always good. In this message, Derek continues on…

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A Special Message of Preparation – Passover, 2016

Hear this special message of preparation for all of Yahuweh’s set-apart ones. Today is the day for His set-apart ones to be hidden under the wings of the Almighty. He is gathering His chicks around Him. Today is the day of the beginnings of separation, and the thrust towards the ushering in of Messiah Yahushua–our Passover Lamb. To listen and/or…

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The Call To Unleavened Worship

Shabbat Shalom! As we prepare to enter the Passover week, we wanted to share (or should we say re-share) an article previously written about worship. Not only worship, but ‘unleavened’ worship. What is unleavened worship? It is the simple, pure worship that results from being de-contaminated of the leaven in our lives through allowing His oil, His wick, His flame to…

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