Shabbat Thought #5

Shabbat Shalom,

This week’s Shabbat Thought is based upon Mark 4:35-41 and Mark 5:15:

Only on the other side of the storm will we discover the purpose of the journey through the storm

We must truly understand that our own fears can prevent us from helping others find deliverance from torment and pain.


  1. It’s always in retrospect that we understand why we went through such troubling times, such fear, anxiety – mental, emotional, and physical struggles. Gaining understanding should bring wisdom, so that in going through things in the present or future we rest, we have peace, we understanding that our loving heavenly Abba is working all things out for our good, and if we use the troubling times to build our faith, they can be stepping stones to victory over all the attempts of the enemy to take us out.

    • So true. If we only knew how many times we have been cheated out of victory’s because of our own fears and anxiety’s.

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