Shabbat Thought #4

Shabbat Shalom,

This week’s Shabbat Thought is based upon Mark 4:41, Philippians 3:8-11 and John 17:3

Our level of belief is our level of knowing Him

Righteousness to stand before Father Elohim does not come through mere obedience to His laws but through our belief in Messiah who showed us why the laws His Father gave to us are good for us.

To begin to know the depths of His love for us, is key to knowing Him – the one who gives us eternal life through the resurrection power revealed through His Son.

One Comment:

  1. What would life be like without knowing our Creators as Abba and Beloved Savior? Personal relationship! Living in Their Presence! That brings faith, trust, and dependency in Their good will for our lives. What freedom! What rest and peace! We trust those we know who love us, and we love them. “The we go out with joy and are led forth with peace.”

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