Shabbat Thought #2

Shabbat Shalom,

This week’s Shabbat Thought is based once again on Mark 4:35-41:

Taking ownership and responsibility for my walk with Messiah

As a follower/disciple of Messiah, how important is it to take ownership of that role? And more so, how does taking responsibility of my belief and trust in Him affect others around me or perhaps, those whom I will later meet in life? (i.e. Mark 5)

One Comment:

  1. Taking “ownership,” or taking possession of our spiritual endowments from Abba, for the most part is a foreign concept to the western mind. Yet, the Word tells us that without taking ownership of what He gives us, possessing, investing, and securing a profit from it for the Master, one loses all they have, i.e. Matthew 25:13-ff. Luke 8:17-18.

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