Two New Audio Messages

Shalom– Here are two recently uploaded messages we wanted to share. Blessings! Trust & Prayer What does it truly mean to trust in Elohim (God)? What is the difference between trust and faith? Psalm 22:9-10 – a clinging security – that is our bond with our Creator! Deny Yourself Listen, as we relook at Matthew 16 and the passage regarding…

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Not Until the Last One Comes In

A good brother and friend of ours recently asked, “why do you think Messiah said He only came for the lost sheep of the house of Israel?” Messiah came to seek and to save the lost. Just as the shepherd leaves the 99 to go after the one lost sheep, so Messiah came to restore His family into one sheep…

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The Two Kingdoms – Destination Unity

Shabbat Shalom! 2 Kings 17 is a pivotal moment in the history of Israel. The sins of Jeroboam had spread like a pandemic through all of the Northern Kingdom. This is the story of the exile of the House of Israel. What happened when the House of Israel was scattered among all the nations? Where are they today? Why was…

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The Journey of Two Kingdoms

Shabbat Shalom! 1 Kings 10-12 outline the great divide of the House of Jacob into two kingdoms – Israel and Judah (the Northern and Southern kingdoms). Listen, as we dive into how fear gripped the heart of Jeroboam that would eventually lead Israel into abandoning the truth of Elohim’s ways. Is fear preventing the light of the truth of God’s…

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The Light of Encouragement – Hanukkah 2020

A new audio message, recorded live at the Prayer & Training Center, Derek shares about the Light of Encouragement as the dawning of Hanukkah is upon us. Encouraging ourselves in Yah allows the light of heaven to enter the dark circumstances on earth! The most precious gift – having eyes to see – the greatest curse – never opening them…

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Peace Be Still – He Cares For You

Based upon Mark 4, what is Messiah’s response to the disciples’ question, ‘do you not care if we perish?’ It is a response of tender love yet sadness that they have not yet realized how much He really cared for them. This is a story of trusting in His ability to be Elohim in the midst of our storm! Click…

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Sharing Remnant Intimacy

Shabbat Shalom dear ones, Rivkah and I wanted to share a special prayer meeting from last night (1/17/20). Everyone in attendance was given a chance to share what Yah has put on their heart. Listen, and be encouraged–take time out to sit in His presence and experience His peace–that peace which only He can offer–to calm your anxious soul. Blessings…

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Trials of Trust

Based upon Isaiah 30:15, Trials of Trust takes you front row center into the life of King Hezekiah during the time of the fall of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. There was a season in the king’s life where Yahuweh stepped back to see what was in the heart of Hezekiah. It would begin at this time, the greatest test…

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Our Father Who Loves Us

Our Father Who Loves Us (Derek Townsend – 06/16/19) Scriptures: James 1:17, Ephesians 3:15, 1 John 4:8, Genesis 1:26; 5:3; Exodus 25:40; Matthew 6:9-13, Deuteronomy 6:6-8; 20-25 and many others Summary: Avinu (Our Father) – In the ancient Paleo language, Avinu means: “The first and powerful one of the house who gives life to his children with secure attachment.” 1.…

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Guarding the Unity of the Body

Guarding the Unity of the Body (Derek Townsend – 06/14/19) Scriptures: Psalm 133, John 17, Malachi 4:6, Revelation 3:14-22, Colossians 1-4 and many others Summary: In these last days, it is crucial for the body of Messiah, as in Acts 4:32-37, to come together in unity, learning to combat against false teachings that seek to undermine the preeminence of our…

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Be the Beacon in the Night

Be the beacon in a world of avalanching darkness. Truth is not hate! Speak it! Live it! We are hated for bearing the truth. Firm up your foundation! Good is broadcasted as evil and evil is exalted as good. The only witness worth having is one worth dying for. Listen, to this brief message of reality and encouragement. Shalom –…

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Let Me Stay Here With You

Yochanan (John) the beloved sat so close to Messiah at the dinner table that evening that he was able to rest his head upon His chest. He wanted to hear what was on His Master’s heart. It was revealed to John that Judas would be the one who would betray his Master. Birthed from an intimate moment with Yahushua, this…

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Insights into the Month of Endurance and the Day of Atonement | A Call to Loyalty to the Blood of Messiah

There is a shifting – a turbulence, a kind of ‘changing of the guard’ occurring right now. Do you sense it? Do you feel it? This podcast was recorded live from the Prayer and Training Center in Fort Worth, Texas. Listen, as Derek presents the Day of Atonement in a fascinating new light. We have entered into the period of…

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Finding Purpose In Our Transitions

Shalom, This message was delivered at the McQueen Universal Ministries Prayer and Training Center and addresses some key issues regarding transitions in our life. We have included the entire service with prayer, worship and teaching. We hope you find this beneficial as transition impacts everyone of us at some point or another. He is bringing His like-minded remnant together under…

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A Short Appendix to The Power Of Knowing Our Identity Through the Hand that Dislocates the Source of our Own Strength

After I listened to my own podcast, Father’s Spirit dropped a bombshell revelation on me in how the walls of fear are torn down through our realization of our identiy. It is the parallel between Jacob’s wrestling with the Angel and the circulating (wrestling) around the walls of Jericho. Elohim is after what your fear is protecting! It’s time to…

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His Never Failing Living Water

Listen, as Rivkah encourages us to firmly plant ourselves by the streams of living waters, while girding ourselves with the whole armor of Elohim, so as to be prepared when the drought of evil comes and when the heat bears down hard–knowing then full well we will produce abundant fruit in that day. Click <HERE> to Listen!

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