Our Father Who Loves Us

Our Father Who Loves Us (Derek Townsend – 06/16/19)

Scriptures: James 1:17, Ephesians 3:15, 1 John 4:8, Genesis 1:26; 5:3; Exodus 25:40; Matthew 6:9-13, Deuteronomy 6:6-8; 20-25 and many others

Summary: Avinu (Our Father) – In the ancient Paleo language, Avinu means: “The first and powerful one of the house who gives life to his children with secure attachment.”
1. Why do so many believers tend to reduce the image of our heavenly Father to that of our earthly father as though they are one in the same?
2. Why is it that so we easily trust Him for salvation, that He loved us enough to send us His Son to die to take away our sins, yet we spend a lifetime making Him prove that He is not the same man as our earthly father?

Although these are some hard questions to tackle, to answer them we must first look into the heart of our heavenly Father. Only He knows how to maintain the perfect blend of ‘all powerful’ and ‘all compassionate.’ He is love and desires so much that through His Son, the reality of the heavenly pattern and perfection of a family would manifest itself into the earthly realm. This pattern, emanating from the image of the Creator Himself, is what the enemy is out to destroy – destruction of a family who through the shed blood of the Lamb, would once again bear the likeness and image of the one of who created it. No more shame, no more fear!

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