A Turn of Events – An Update on His Seasons…and Ours

Shabbat Shalom,

Things have been a whirlwind lately. We apologize for not having our calendar updated with the Festival dates for 2016 before today. However, as of this morning, they have been updated. There have been many turn of events in our lives since the beginning of March this year, and we just wanted to take a moment to fill everyone in.

First off, Derek laid his dad to rest yesterday. For those who have sent condolences…thank you! We know that Abba carried, and is carrying us and the family through during this difficult time. We are very behind on several things, but as we get caught up, we will be sharing more regarding the “coming home celebration” of Derek’s father.

Next, we wanted to share with you what has taken place regarding the true Passover timing for 2016. Not to make this lengthy as we have written much and recorded several audio messages regarding the aviv barley and the ‘confusion’ around setting the timing of the new year.

Originally, Rivkah and I believed, based upon the only aviv barley report we have used over the past several years, that this year was going to be an adar-bet. However, only until recently, and because of several reports that had emerged from people we never knew existed—reports showing that there was aviv barley found in Israel–it became very evident to us that we were not in an adar bet, and that the Passover should have been celebrated in March.

At that time, there were many people who felt strongly in their spirits that the March Passover was the true one. Rivkah and I also felt strongly that the March timing was a special time of preparation and that we were being called by Yahuweh to participate in it. Although we still believed we were in an adar bet, we had decided to keep the March Passover because we knew something was different about it. (much more was involved in this decision, but not necessary to write out at this time)

Even after the week of Unleavened Bread had passed in March, we still felt a check in our spirit regarding the aviv barley reports that were issued. Rivkah and I were determined to find out the truth, so we listened to and read carefully, each of the reports–even contacting some of the barley search teams individually. We sought Abba’s heart on this and learned much in our journey for truth. And what we discovered, became a lesson to us in not trusting in the appearance of any man—no, not even in professional credentials.

Rivkah and I had never heard of any other team going out to search for the aviv barley, simply because the reports were not easily available on the internet. We found out that two of the teams have been going out for years, but only for the purposes of determining the new year for their families and congregations. The reports were not readily available for the general public, because they were not written for the general public.

Rivkah and I went back and reviewed all of the reports—even some updated reports that were issued after the determination of the adar-bet. And what we had found was something that answered that check in our spirits regarding the March Passover. We honestly believe now that the reports of the barley being in the aviv stage, just prior to the new moon being sighted in early March, were in fact…true.

It was a journey, no doubt, as many of you know, as we answered several emails about the festival timing for this year. When we were still uncertain, we said that it would be ok to celebrate both the March and April Passover’s because of the conflict with the barley reporting. No, there was nothing wrong with saying that it was ok to celebrate both, nor with choosing only one to celebrate (either March or April), because we wanted each person individually to go with what they felt peace with.

The matter of the fact is this: Rivkah and I, as of about a week and a half ago, have finally determined for ourselves, after much prayer and seeking Abba, email exchanges, going back to the Scriptures for details, and listening/reviewing the barley reports, that the new year actually began in March. With that said, we have now updated our calendar with the appropriate festival dates.

We do want to say this: for those who did not celebrate the March Passover, it is permitted (per Scripture), that you may partake of the Passover in the second month. Though the passage in Numbers 9 speaks about–either from being on a journey or from touching a dead body, being the only two reasons Yahuweh authorizes a second month Passover, I believe that He would and will honor the “journey” of finding the truth about the barley reports to be an acceptable reason to celebrate the Passover in April. I must also note this: For those who still believe we are in an adar-bet–you must go by what you have peace about, and as always, continue to do everything as unto Yahuweh–for we, Derek and Rivkah, dare NEVER to judge anyone regarding the times/seasons, but encourage everyone to seek Abba for His truth and what is on His mind.

We must always be sensitive to the heartbeat of the Father and His Son Messiah Yahushua. It is unquestionably, and without a shadow of a doubt, the only way we will make it through to the end. If you have questions about anything we have said here—please—go to Abba and speak to Him, asking Him to give you a true peace and clarity of what He is doing.

Determining the festival year was not as complicated in the ancient times as it is today. For today, we must possess the spirit of discernment, and the nature of Messiah to truly understand His timing, seasons and ways. Most of us are not in the Land of our forefathers and because of that, we must recognize that until we are restored to our inheritance, the Land where Abba has chosen to dwell lies within us—our spirit. For it is within us, that He has chosen to put His Name and to dwell forever.

We must all ask ourselves—is my “Land” contaminated and defiled so as the Creator of the universe cannot dwell within it? Have we removed all of the leaven from our borders? A very “earthy” example is that Yahuweh commanded the children of Israel to keep their camp clean by burying their “dung” with a little instrument. Nothing has changed for us today. If the Creator desires to dwell within our camp—in our Land—walking among us—we must make sure that we bury all defilement and keep it buried so that we remain an environment that is spotless, and white—making it possible to allow the King of Kings to dwell among us.

Remember, without death there can be no life. That is something that has become more real to us as of late, than at any other time in our lives.

Go forward into His light! The King is on His way!

Shalom with love,

Derek and Rivkah

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