Transitional Horizons

Shalom dear ones!

Rivkah and I wanted to let you know that we are in the ‘transitional’ mode once again. Lots of changes on the horizon…always good though for those who seek Yahuweh with all of the heart. Our minds are spinning just like the washer is right now–spinning our clothes round and round (smile)! Even so, we have chosen to plant ourselves firmly in His steadfast soil of sustainment. As long as our roots are deeply rooted in His garden, we are guaranteed a beautiful harvest.

Our podcasts, messages, and blogs will be hit and miss over the next month or so. Thank you for bearing with us–praying with us–through this time. We are looking forward to sharing with you more and more, through videos, podcasts and studies. Our next major project will be the completion of Just Acknowledge Me As Creator.

We hope each of you have had a chance now to take a look at the Restoration Proclamations we recently posted. It is imperative to let not only the enemy know where you positionally stand in loyalty to the Master Yahuweh, but to let yourself know. Hearing the words proceed out of your mouth, will build your own faith and steadfastness for enduring through the days ahead.

Thank you all who have given of your time in writing us testimonies, encouraging words, sent gifts, and have upheld us in prayer.

Go Forward!

Joy in the Master, and about His work,

Derek and Rivkah

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