The Beginning of Elul – A Time of Repentance

Shalom and joy! So much has happened that we have not been able to keep up with regular posts on our website. It has been a season of learning and discipline, trials and challenges. Nevertheless, He NEVER stops working! Well, the time of Elul has begun. Today marks day 1 of the 6th Hebrew month. Interesting, last night’s message from…

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The Deliverance (a short music video)

The Deliverance is based upon Psalm 27 and the story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17. This video is the testimony of every believer in Messiah Yahushua who has ever faced a Goliath in their salvation walk. The greatest Goliath is coming; hold on dear saints of the Most High, the Son of David is also coming and…

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