Happy Purim and Festival Timing

Shalom! I am a bit late in posting the new moon report for the 13th month which began February 25, 2020. Lots of rain in Israel has pushed back the maturing of the barley which is why we are now in the middle of the 13th month. In fact, today was Purim! Please check out the link <HERE> for the…

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Spring Feasts of Yahuweh – Part 1: Purim

This blog will discuss Purim and introduce Passover/Feast of Unleavened Bread/First Fruits, along with answering the following questions: Should we celebrate the Feasts/Festivals? If yes, what has been mandated by Father versus traditions of man? When are they on the world calendar? Should we celebrate the “Feasts of the Lord (Yahuweh)” of Leviticus 23 when they are in the “Old”…

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