Israel Independence Day (Yom HaAtzmaut) 1948 – 2014


A special video message.

Remember the lives lost – Celebrate Israel’s independence!

Today, is Israel Independence Day.

Over 23,000 Israeli soldiers have died defending the country since Israel’s independence in 1948.

Sirens went off at precisely 11:00 am today. A siren sounded and an entire nation took a moment to remember the price Israel has paid for the privilege of having a State and a homeland to call their own.

We know that Israel’s true independence will not come until Messiah returns to restore righteousness, justice and peace in the earth.

Israel has paid with her own blood, the right to defend herself!

Today, we honor the IDF for their bravery, courage, strength and unprecedented, compelling passion to preserve LIFE!


(Psalm 122)

click here to view the video message

In addition, see this special video:

Yom Ha’atzmaut 2014: 66 Israeli Heroes Share a Powerful Message

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