With Harsh Times, Comes Harsh Questions

The theme of the Word of Elohim is being rewarded for what has been sown. Proverbs 11 is a good example of this. In fact, in Proverbs 11 verse 8, it speaks of the righteous who are delivered from trouble, yet the wicked take their place. In other words, if the righteous man is delivered out of a snare, there must be a substitute for that righteous one. It is the wicked one who laid the snare for that righteous one, that will end up falling in his own trap.

We have entered unchartered waters. The earth is beginning to reel back and forth just as a massive ocean liner is tossed to and fro like a toothpick by the tumultuous waves. There is an old saying that goes like this: “Momma said there would be days like this!” Well—Yahushua said there would be days like this! We have rounded the last curve in this race, and the end is growing more clearer.

I have not written in awhile, yet the words of Yahuweh remain written on my heart. As I was sitting in my chair earlier this morning, I began contemplating the words of Sha’ul that a body that is dead, ceases from sin. The flesh, the carnal nature of man, is something much more powerful than what we give it credit. It silently rules, demanding worship as it sits upon the throne of the hearts of men.

In the days coming, all people will be given over to what they have loved the most—to what they have worshiped the most. To the wicked, they will be consumed with darkness—yet for the righteous, they will be consumed with light.

One of my greatest fears, if not the greatest, is the fear of losing His presence. Like Moses said, “If Your presence does not go before us, we do not go!” Without His presence, there is no fear of sinning! And if there is no fear of sinning, conscious of it or not, a spirit of compromise will be burned within the heart. The worst doers of evil do the evil because there is no fear of consequence. Sin is disobedience to the commandments of Elohim—all of His commandments as listed in His covenant with man. He has ONE covenant—not two covenants.

Some understand His covenant to be two entirely different things. The covenant of Elohim was never meant to be divided. His covenant, coupled with His commandments, which are the good instructions for righteous living within His Kingdom, are not to be treated as something “Old” and something “New”. Many believe, through the deception and twisting of the enemy, that there is an “Old” and “New” covenant and that the “grace” poured out in the “New” was somehow meant to be the divider that separates between the two. In this manner, the enemy has used “grace” against Yahuweh’s own people.

The enemy always uses what was meant for good, for his evil plans. And if he can use the very thing that has saved us (Ephesians 2:8) as a weapon against us, then he will have succeeded in leading many down the road of destruction. Grace does not allow for the continuation of sin, but is a gift to the believer to STOP sinning. The “grace” movement has separated people not UNTO Elohim…but FROM Elohim.

Grace is the “sweet smelling savor,” and the aroma of His presence. And if grace is abused, His presence will leave, and the only scent remaining will be the rotting odor of decomposing sin. And if grace leaves, His presence leaves, as well as the convicting power of sin which is the preeminence of His ruling power within the heart.

Sin is not an “issue” that we “just have to deal with!” It is not to be dealt with by patting it on the head and accepting it as part of who we are—an endless struggle to be ‘good’. We were created in the image of Elohim—born in the likeness of His nature. Sin is NEVER suppose to be who we are, else our Savior’s death was in vain—a laughable joke.

The commonality, if you may, between the “Old” and “New” covenant, is His presence. Be it the shaking of the mountain at Sinai or the shaking of our hearts within us, His presence is meant to keep us from sinning, through the fear of being separated from Him again. Read Exodus chapters 19 and 20. My gosh, it is frightful to fall into the hands of the Living Elohim, for He is a consuming fire.

Sin must be eradicated within the body of Messiah. Sin IS disease, a cancerous tumor that must be CUT out with the Sword of the Word of Elohim. “Thy Word is truth,” Yahushua said. Sin is cut out with truth. If it is not, the father of all lies will continue to use the very gift of grace, by which we were saved, as a tool against us. Do we compromise? Do we abuse the grace that has been given to us to continue living? The Hebrew for grace is chanan. It is a powerful expression meaning ‘to be able to continue living because of the extension of gifts He has given to support our life.’ To abuse grace is to reject any gift to support and sustain life. And I am talking about everlasting life.

Messiah Yahushua, our Savior, came to set us free from sin, not to set us free to sin freely. 1 John 1:9 is not a ‘get out of jail free card’ (for those who know the board game Monopoly). Only for those who are already walking in the light as He is in the light, is there forgiveness available. We are human and we do make mistakes. There is forgiveness for mistakes. For the believer, there is forgiveness for unintentional mistakes in our walk toward becoming blameless as our Master requires it—yet there exists NO forgiveness for intentional sin. Shall we crucify again the Savior of our souls? Without set-apartness (the result of becoming blameless), no one will see Him (Hebrews 12:14).

We are entering the most deadly time in history—as promised by Yahushua. For the righteous, these are the most ‘glorious’ times. We, as the nation of America, face the consequences of what we have dealt out to others. I choose not to warn you by tactics of fear, for those who are watching prophecy unfold before your very eyes, already know what is coming down. I, however, do warn you of this one thing—the thing that will damn your souls to hell if not dealt with. Your worst enemy, and mine, is not from without, but is from within. We will lose this war not because we did not “store up food and water” or dig ourselves a bunker to hide out in—no….we will lose this war if our loyalty lies with any other than Elohim Himself. For what have we gained if we save our own flesh? To buy off time on this earth, to save ourselves from pending death, is to sell ourselves short of the eternal life promised by the Master Yahushua Who said that if we choose to save our own life—we will lose it.

As believers, we must no longer pretend that nothing is happening. The same ole, same ole life as is—is no longer. Business as normal is no longer the state of being. A change in kingdoms is coming. A new Successor is on His way. Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, but in heaven. Did not Messiah Yahushua promise us that if His Father can take care of the little birds, to ensure they are clothed with dwelling places and filled to satisfaction with food, that He would not also provide for us—His children?

I invoke you today—make certain of your salvation. I invoke you today, as one member of His body to the next, do those things which He has called you to do, and to function within the calling and gift He has placed within you. Eradicate the sin from your life. Stop making it a battle that you foresee will never end. Stop believing and confessing the same old excuse that we are only human and that we will never be perfect! WRONG thinking! This thinking is blasphemy in the eyes of our Father, Who sent His Son to pay for the debt of sin, and Who gave His own Spirit so that we CAN have power over sin—so that we CAN be perfected (made complete) in Him.

If Daniel was found so innocent that the ravenous beasts did not consume Him in the den, and Daniel was under the “Old” covenant, what have we to say for ourselves today? Should we continue sinning so that grace may abound? Elohim forbid! (Romans 6:1). Should we continue sinning because of the attitude of ‘what’s the use, I’ll never be perfect anyway!’ If it were not possible to live a blameless life here on this earth, then Messiah died for nothing. Messiah paid the debt for past sins, not for the luxury to continue repeating them.

Hate that vile enemy called sin. CUT it out of you like a cancer. Do not forget the foundation of the true Gospel and do not let His Words depart from you. He has called us to life, and if it so happens that we must lay down our life for Him—we have not lost our physical life in vain, but have gained the very victory that Yahushua Himself gained when He conquered sin in His flesh.

Go to war my friend—go to war against those things that cause you to wander from the presence of the only One Who is worth running to. Sin cannot dwell under the shadow of the Most High. Therefore those who continually and habitually sin cannot be protected from what is coming. The only place to hide is under the shadow of His wings. If we allow sin to continue within our lives, we will have no excuse when the time comes to answer for our “issues” that so plagued our earthly lives.

Time marches on. Look at yourself in the mirror. Were you born into this world looking the way you do now? No! That means that time is ticking and will soon end when the Master of Masters breaks through those clouds to defeat His enemies. Apathetic and lethargic people have no place in His Kingdom, for only those who take it by force, will inherit it. Consider the ant. Be wise. The time to store up is quickly ending. Winter is coming and what will you feed off of if you have not stored up the Living Word within you? For those who forsook the Words of Yahuweh during the time leading up to the siege of the Temple in Jerusalem, they had nothing to feed upon but their own offspring’s flesh. Gruesome? Yes! And much more gruesome it is to reject the Words of life, for in doing so, one will eat the fruit of what they have truly loved.

Arise my friend, and let your sins be scattered. Let the sin that rises up against you, flee before you. Issue a death warrant against the sin in your life, and do not rest until it is found, convicted, and put to death. We are commanded to do so. We do not belong to ourselves. Remove the sandals of sin, for we are standing on ‘holy’ ground. If you have no conviction to remove your sandals, then you are probably not standing on ‘holy’ ground.

This, I plead with you and for all that will hear the cry of the Father’s heart.

It is no longer to be said, “get ready”…but “maintain your readiness!”

How shall He find you? As King Saul who refused to wait for the prophet, who then commenced with his own agenda?

The Master is coming..the signs are all around us.

The greatest tribulation is in the action of waiting–holding onto our testimony. And He that has promised us, will come and lead us into the everlasting hope of which we have chosen to rest our lives and belief upon.

Madness is coming. Madness is here. Madness comes to those who reject His presence. Are you burning for Him in passionate love, or are you waiting this whole thing out to see if it is all just a fairy tale?

With harsh times, comes harsh questions.

I ask myself the same…

In love do I challenge you today by the Spirit of the Most High…

“Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amein.”—Yochanan, the beloved

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