The Quick Version of the Who, What, When, Where and Why of Israel–An Audio Podcast

Join Derek and Rivkah, as they were recently asked to speak at a local, small church congregation in the country, about why every believer in Messiah Yahushua should be involved with, and praying for the peace of the apple of Yahuweh’s eye–Israel. This teaching lays the foundational truth for the understanding of why Israel has NOT been replaced by the…

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Did You Know?

Joyous Preparation Day to each of you! As many of you may not know, from time to time we post things in our Articles/Studies Library that we may or may not mention in blog postings. It is important to go out and check our website at times for added information..etc. Also, If you haven’t been sharing our website or blogs…

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The Jew-Gentile Fallacy

Shabbat Shalom, I wanted to share some correspondence I had a while back through a letter concerning some confusion about ‘Gentiles’. Please use this as your own springboard to study. It is the enemy who causes confusion, strife and division. I do not claim to know all, but I realize that if I remain soft, pliable, teachable under the tutoring of…

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